Oops! All Buried: What Happens Before the Archaeologists Find It
On this Very Special Episode in honor of International Archaeology Day, Anna and Amber (and Dr. Potts!) take a look at all the things that can happen to an object, animal, or person as it decays, preserves, and transforms, becoming a part of the archaeological record.
To learn more about taphonomy or the stories we mentioned on today’s show, we recommend:
Geoarchaeology: The Earth-science Approach to Archaeological Interpretation
Taphonomy: Definition (Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology)
Taphonomy: A New Branch of Paleontology (Pan-American Geologist)
Facts: What happens to the body after death Content warning: very graphic details!
What really happens when you die? (The Guardian)
Traditional Burial is Polluting the Planet. So Where Will We All Go When We Die? (Mic)
Persepolis Fortification Archive (Oriental Institute)
Forensic Palynological Analysis of Intestinal Contents of a Korean Mummy (The Anatomical Record)
What Is Palynology? (University of Florida)
Analysis of Ancient Feces: A Discussion and Annotated Bibliography (UC Berkeley ARF Monographs)
Soap on a Bone: How Corpse Wax Forms (Atlas Obscura)
How Sky Burial Works (How Stuff Works)
Now, let’s hear from our best ceramic chum, Dr. Potts!
Photo: By SfjMarit CC BY-SA 3.0, from Wikimedia Commons