Epsiode 72 - The (Moral) Circle of Life
This week, Amber and Anna wade into the moral circle. When it comes to deserving help and care, who counts? What does that care look like, and how can we see evidence for it in the historical and archaeological record? We do our best to wrap our brains around all this and more.
To learn more, check out:
Should animals, plants, and robots have the same rights as you? (Vox)
Lake Erie now has legal rights, just like you (Vox)
Expanding the moral circle: Inclusion and exclusion mindsets and the circle of moral regard (Journal of Experimental Social Psychology)
A Brief History of Charitable Giving (Visual.ly)
Ancient Bones That Tell a Story of Compassion (New York Times)
Calculated or caring? Neanderthal healthcare in social context (World Archaeology)
Brutal Brawls And Cranial Surgery Discovered On Ancient Skeletons From Lake Titicaca (Forbes)
How the poor became blessed (Aeon)
Photo credit: “Moral Circles”