Episode 82 - A Day at the Museum with Dr. Briana Pobiner

Anna and Amber chat with Dr. Briana Pobiner, a researcher and educator at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History's Human Origins Program. We talk favorite hominins, meat science, evolutionary education, how to get the most out of a frolic through the museum, and some of the zillion other things Dr. Pobiner does.

To learn more:

Briana Pobiner (Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History) 

The zooarchaeology and paleoecology of early hominin scavenging (Evolutionary Anthropology)

Acknowledging students’ concerns about evolution: a proactive teaching strategy (Evolution: Education and Outreach)

Accepting, understanding, teaching, and learning (human) evolution: Obstacles and opportunities (American Journal of Physical Anthropology)

Dietary Detective: Smithsonian Scientist Briana Pobiner (Smithsonian Institution Youtube)