Episode 164 - Thanksglyphing

We’re shaking things up this year, and instead of doing a ThanksViking episode, we’re peeking into the world of Maya and Aztec art and writing. The Maya wrote using a system of around 800 glyphs--the Aztecs used as many as 2,000. We won’t get to ALL of these, but we’ll talk about how these writing systems developed, how they were used, and the role they played in the lives of the Aztec and Maya people.

Glyphs at Teotihuacan

Beyond public view, scholars unravel mystery of writing in ancient Mexican city (Reuters)

How Aztec Writing Works (in great detail)

Aztec Writing: How does it really work? (Nawatl Scholar)

The Nahuatl language


Boone, Elizabeth H. "Central Mexican Pictorials." In Davíd Carrasco (ed). The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures. : Oxford University Press, 2001.ISBN 9780195188431


Suárez, Jorge A. (1983). The Mesoamerian Indian Languages. Cambridge Language Surveys. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-22834-3. OCLC 8034800.


Kettunen, Harri; Helmke, Christophe (2014). Introduction to Maya Hieroglyphs (PDF) (in English, Spanish, French, Polish, Danish, Slovak, and Italian). The European Association of Mayanists and Comenius University in Bratislava.


Maya writing

Civilization.ca - Mystery of the Maya - Writing and hieroglyphics (Canadian History Museum)

Early Maya Writing at San Bartolo, Guatemala by William A. Saturno, David Stuart, Boris Beltrán


Conservation and Outreach at San Bartolo

News - Conservation and Outreach at San Bartolo, Guatemala

Cracking the Maya Code (PBS/NOVA)

NOVA | Cracking the Maya Code | Time Line of Decipherment (non-Flash)

Image: A page full of Maya script and illustrations from the Dresden Codex

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